Unit B10 Hortonwood 10 Telford TF1 7ES 01746 780179

Huddle Up

The interactive table designed for businesses

Tiny Tablet’s Huddle Up is another of 40” interactive touchscreen display products designed for application within any business. Huddle Up is perfect for small collaborative meetings as the portable screen can be rolled to the end of desks or within meeting rooms to allow for quick and easy information sharing.

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Huddle Up’s Interactive Touch Display Key Features

40” Interactive touch display

Built-in camera for video conferencing

Built-in 8 hour battery

HDMI + USB Ports

10 Point Touch Screen

Built-In WI-FI

Automatic screen rotation

Height adjustable

Built In Speakers

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Tiny Tablet’s unique huddle up solution is ideal for ensuring that colleagues are able to collaborate effectively with one another. Featuring a height-adjustable 40” screen with 10-point touch interactivity, Huddle Up effortlessly adds value to both formal meetings and informal conversations around the office environment. With full mobility and a built-in battery with up to 8 hours of usage, Huddle Up can be utilised for the full duration of a standard working day.

Effective both in-person & remotely

Huddle Up comes equipped with built-in wifi, speakers, and HDMI + USB ports. Not only that, but the interactive touch display also features a built-in camera for video conferencing. This means that Huddle Up can be used anywhere in the office that has an internet connection for calls with clients and colleagues. Moreover, the adjustable height and automatic screen rotation, means that Huddle Up is an excellent companion when used in face to face meetings or presentations.

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Request a Quote or Book a No-Obligation Demo Today

Discover how you can take your communication & collaboration to the next level & benefit from free installation, training and a 3-year warranty.